Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Welcome To My Blog

About me --- I'm a bald fat middleaged guy that likes to smoke tobacco.  It was sometime around December of  1975 (when I was 11) that I first inhaled; it was a Kool filter king.  I began smoking regularly in Jr. High School - the big fad was (and still is, I suppose) Marlboros.  I preferred (and still prefer) the 100 mm length.  I've switched brands here and there over the years based on whimsy or budget.  My preferred packaged cigarette at this time is Winston 100s.  Unfortunately, at around $5.00 a pack,  they are a luxury I can ill afford.  So, for the past few years, I've been reduced to smoking bargain brands and filtered cigars up to a couple of months ago when I finally bought an injection machine, a carton's worth of tubes and some tobacky to go with it.  I'll be reviewing my purchases on this blog as I make them.  No fancy writing here - I'm not a snooty wine sniffing/swishing/spitting connoisseur type of guy.  Some of what I've had is good - some of it isn't.  I'll try to be somewhat articulate but will most likely fail in that area - hopefully you'll get the gist of what I type and will be able to go with that. Also - I will be editing my posts from time to time as I sample more tobaccos as taste is relative so check back once in awhile and reread.

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