Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Largo Pipe Tobacco (Regular)

A few years back I switched from Doral Full Flavor 100s cigarettes to filtered cigars.  After trying several brands I finally settled on Santa Fe reds.  They were going for $5.99 a carton I think.  Bush Jr. signed in a tax that added a couple of dollars to that.  The tax that Obama signed in when he took over raised the price of my budget smokes to $13.99 a carton.  Thanks Barack.  The first pack of filtered cigars I bought were Dean's Full Flavor.  "These cigars are predominantly natural tobacco with non tobacco ingredients added."   Sawdust?  Ratshit?  (to be fair pretty much all budget filtered cigars carry the same text on their packages).  But Dean's really suck the big one.  Horrid Horribly Horrid. 

Which brings us to Largo Pipe Tobacco (Regular) --- 3/4 of an ounce for around a buck and a half.  Tastes like Dean's Full Flavor.  Never again.

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