Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gambler Pipe Tobacco (Regular)

Ahhhhhh - this is the shit!  Yeah, I've smoked better but the better brands cost a helluva lot more.  Before taxes I'm paying $6.79 for a 6 oz. bag but less than a dollar an ounce for the 1 pounder (and you can score for a helluva lot less if you do that newfangled online ordering thingy).  My Gambler 100s tubes come with a $.50 discount coupon on the end of the box good toward the purchase of a medium/large sized bag of Gambler tobacco.  I'd recommend purchasing any unknown brand in the smallest available package before splurging on the economy size bag.  In Gambler's case try to find a 16 oz. sack with the instant $1.00 off coupon stuck to the front.  I have a pounder stashed away - waiting for me to finish off the Ohm and Samson...

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