Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tips And Tricks

1  Q:  My cigarettes only last 5 or 6 drags.
    A:  You're not putting enough tobacco in the machine.

2  Q:  I packed my cigarette after rolling it now the tube's only half full.
    A:  See above.

3  Q:  I made a cigarette with too much tobacco and can barely get a draw off of it.
    A:  Put out the smoke and roll it firmly between your thumb and forefinger working evenly from the filter to the top.  Pinch off and stash the overflow - relight - enjoy.

4  Q:  When I pack my smoke shit goes flying everywhere leaving me with a half full tube.
    A:  You're down to shake.  Buy a new bag.  Tamp shake from old  bag 2/3 to 3/4 of the chamber from the nozzle back.  Add fresh longcut to the 1/3 to 1/4 furthermost from the nozzle.

5  Q:  It seems the last smokes of my batch have problems with the tobacco falling out even though they were packed tight.
    A:  You're rolling with fresh moist tobacco and as it dries out it loses volume.  Either seal the ends after you pack 'em down, store upright with the filter end down, or just roll just enough to get you by.

6  Q:  When I remove my cigarette from the machine the nozzle keeps some of the tobacco leaving me with a   less packed cigarette.
    A:  This usually happens when you load up with 100% shake else too dry tobacco.  See tip 4 - also try twisting the cigarette off of the nozzle rather than just pulling it straight off of it.

7  Q:  Tobacco seems to get trapped in the same corner of my machine by the nozzle.
    A:  It's the nature of the beast - use a paperclip to clear out the corner every 5 smokes or so.

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